- ISO27001
- ISO42001
- TurboAudit
- Compliance
- ISO27001
- ISO42001
Kimova AI ISO 27001 Auditing Series Physical Control A.7.11 Supporting Utilities
In this edition of the Kimova.AI ISO 27001 Auditing Series, we cover Physical Control A.7.11 Supporting Utilities. This control ensures that essential utilities like power, water, and air conditioning are protected and maintained to support critical operations. Organizations can learn how to safeguard these utilities to prevent disruptions that could impact information security. Dive into the latest updates and strategies for ensuring uninterrupted operations.
Kimova AI ISO 27001 Auditing Series Physical Control A.7.10 Storage Media
In this installment of the Kimova.AI ISO 27001 Auditing Series, we explore Physical Control A.7.10 Storage Media. This control emphasizes the secure management, handling, and storage of physical media to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access or loss. Organizations can learn best practices for managing storage media, including secure disposal and transportation, to mitigate risks. Explore the key updates and how they support information security compliance.
Kimova AI ISO 27001 Auditing Series Physical Control A.7.9 Security of Assets Off-Premises
In this edition of the Kimova.AI ISO 27001 Auditing Series, we examine Physical Control A.7.9 Security of Assets Off-Premises. This control focuses on safeguarding information and equipment that are used outside the organization’s physical premises. Organizations can learn how to secure off-premises assets, implement protective measures, and reduce risks such as theft, loss, or damage. Discover the updates and their impact on securing mobile or remote assets.
Kimova AI ISO 27001 Auditing Series Physical Control A.7.8 Equipment Siting and Protection
In this post of the Kimova.AI ISO 27001 Auditing Series, we focus on Physical Control A.7.8 Equipment Siting and Protection. This control ensures that critical equipment is properly located and safeguarded from physical and environmental threats. Organizations can learn how to optimize equipment placement and implement protective measures to minimize risks such as damage or unauthorized access. Explore the latest updates and their role in strengthening asset security.
Kimova AI ISO 27001 Auditing Series Physical Control A.7.7 Clear Desk and Clear Screen
In this latest post from the Kimova.AI ISO 27001 Auditing Series, we dive into Physical Control A.7.7 Clear Desk and Clear Screen. This control ensures that sensitive information is not left visible or unattended, reducing the risk of unauthorized access. Organizations can implement clear desk and screen policies to safeguard confidential information and strengthen overall data protection. Explore the key updates and how they support compliance with ISO 27001.